Nurture: Self-Care for your Health

“We all need a nurturing environment to heal in. This is essential to our healing-health, even when that means creating and maintaining it for ourselves. Lean all the more into what nurtures, anchors, and carries you throughout these days.
~ Lalah Delia

As we are all trying to find a rhythm of a new, temporary normal with the stress and anxiety of the unknown and the heaviness of the collective loss around us, it can be hard to find motivation to be our healthiest selves.  

First, we want to thank and acknowledge from the bottom of our hearts, those of you that are still working to care for and support those in need. We know that while self-care may be even more important for you, it may be so difficult to prioritize right now.

For those of us at home, what if we looked at this as the much needed pause that our bodies needed to refocus and slow down? Could we come out the other side feeling recharged, more connected to our community, and more whole than our busy lives may have allowed before?

Whether you are trying to conceive, preparing for an upcoming fertility treatment, expecting a little one, or just in need of some tips to help you stay grounded and whole right now, consider taking this time to put yourself and your health first with these tips.

Be Kind to Yourself: Know that everything you are feeling right now is normal. You are doing the best you can and creating a self-care plan is not about perfection. You might need a “cheat” here or there and that is OK. Consider adding in an affirmation that resonates with you. Here is one example: “I am healthy and my body is capable of amazing things.”

Breathe: The lung, from a Chinese medicine perspective, regulates our body’s ability to fight infections, but is also associated with sadness and grief and is responsible for clear thinking, openness to new ideas and good communication. Carve out time to meditate and breathe during the day (maybe first thing in the morning or before bed) and fill your lungs, breathe down into your lower abdomen, and deeply exhale all your stress. Ask us for more information on meditations and breathing exercises!

Sleep: If you can only pick one thing to prioritize right now, sleep should be the one. Sleep helps to restore all our daily functions to deal with the world around us. Aim for 8 hours per night and incorporate a healthy sleep routine to calm your body and mind at least an hour before bed by turning down lights, turning off screens (including phones), and maybe even journaling to express any anxiety or fear you have been holding onto during the day.

Exercise: Studies have shown that exercise can significantly help mental health, boost our immune system, regulate menstrual cycles and promote overall health. Aim to get in movement everyday. Be sure not to overdo it- listen to your body. We don’t want to overtax our body so that it has the resources it needs right now. Walking, yoga, tai chi, weight training, and dancing are all great:)

Get Out in Nature: Get outside when the sun is out for some natural vitamin D. Get fresh air and connect to nature and the beauty it offers. Breath + Exercise in one go!

Connect/Disconnect: Take time everyday to connect to someone you love without the usual distractions. Laugh as often as you can. Have fun in ways you haven’t thought of before. Check in with those that uplift you and reach out to those who may need support. Connect to your self and envision your ideal life. What would that look like? What would you be doing differently? And then disconnect-consider taking regular breaks from the news and social media, especially if you find they are causing anxiety or making you feel like you aren’t doing enough.

Eat to Nourish Your Body: It can be easy to rely on processed, packaged foods right now. When possible, include as many fresh (or frozen) fruits and vegetables as possible. Try cooked soups and stews to gently nourish your body. Consider adding in some superfoods like a good protein/green powder, reishi mushrooms, collagen, and bone broth. Foods to nourish the lung and support immune health include pears, garlic, sweet potato, onions, cabbage, ginger, walnuts, radishes, cinnamon, almonds, asparagus, celery, broccoli, fish, and eggs.

Avoid/Limit Sugar, Alcohol, Dairy and Gluten: These can all lead to inflammation in the body and reduce our body’s ability to fight infection or be in optimal health. While alcohol can make one feel more relaxed when drinking, it often leads to increased anxiety the day after. It might be a good time to take a break and just be. Dairy can also contribute to phlegm which can aggravate cold and flu symptoms.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: This might be #2 to prioritize. Water helps our body in so many ways. Ideally sip warm or hot water throughout the day. Drink a minimum of half of your body weight in ounces per day. Add some lemon to your water first thing in the morning for extra benefit- before eating.

Skip All Non-Essential Beauty Products: Take this time away from social obligations to remove all non-essentials and let your body and skin heal. No lotion, no makeup, no deodorant, no perfume, no nail polish. Drink water and dry brush. You might also take time to clean out your drawers and pantries of any products that contain harmful ingredients. Take a look at the EWG’s Skin Deep database to check your products.

Castor Oil Packs (Not to be used in pregnancy or after ovulation when TTC): Castor oil packs are a great way to improve blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, are great for digestive health, and can help to detoxify your liver to support immune and lymph health. Try and get in a couple per week (when not bleeding). We have some kits for sale at the office or you can buy on Amazon.

Supplements: We work with patients one on one to identify the supplements best suited to their body and health goals. With that said, there are some that can support overall health while boosting the immune system and promoting fertility for those looking to conceive. * Those with star are safe and beneficial in pregnancy
* A high-quality multivitamin or a prenatal with methylated folate versus folic acid)
* Vitamin D- 2000-5000IU may be good right now for extra support
* A multi-strain probiotic
* A high quality fish oil
- Vitamin C- if trying to conceive, do not exceed 2000mg per day. If pregnant, try to get extra vitamin C from foods like broccoli, kale, strawberries instead of taking large doses of supplementation.
- Another supplement that has benefit for immune function, but also fertility is NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine). NAC is an antioxidant that can help to break down excess mucus and acts as a protective shield during cold and flu season. Studies have also shown it may be beneficial for endometriosis, PCOS, and to support egg quality.
- Finally, if trying to conceive and over 35 or if there are concerns about egg quality, a highly-absorbable form of CoQ10 may be a good idea.

Good news is that we can help get you set up to order high quality supplements online with a discount! Need refills, we can have them shipped directly to your house! Contact your practitioner for more information.

Herbs: While acupuncture is on hold, herbs are a wonderful way to support your health and help to reach your goals. We are still able to fill herbal orders for pick-up or online ordering. Whether to support your menstrual cycle and natural fertility, taking this time to prepare for a future medicated cycles, addressing PMS or pain, or just to address your body’s response to stress and anxiety, we can help. Contact your practitioner for more information.

Need additional support to help put all this in place? We are offering telemedicine video appointments (for both new and returning patients) to connect. Please contact your practitioner to schedule or contact us here for additional information. We are here for you.

While we can’t be with you in person right now, we are with you in spirit. From our family to yours, we wish you health and wellness and we look forward to seeing you again very soon.


National Infertility Awareness Week: Nourishing Our Inner Earth


Announcement: Temporary Office Closure